What is Redefining Cool®
Redefining Cool® is more than a catchy marketing phrase, it’s our call to action! Redefining Cool® defines us as a company. It’s part of our DNA.
What “Cool” means to us is Refreshing Water Drinks designed for children without all of the sugar. Being Cool means being a friend and helping others. Being Cool means making conscious purchasing decisions.
So Cool Brands was created to be a positive disruptive force for change – – For children, their families and the environment.
Our company’s guiding principles rests on three sturdy pillars:
1) Craft great tasting, organic, zero sugar water beverages for children.
2) Package our products in eco-friendly materials which will not harm the environment.
3) Embrace a social mission of helping others.
Mission-driven Acts of Coolness

Cool is supporting our children’s unique personalities, strengths, and talents, and helping them be comfortable with who they are. Let them flourish academically and be the catalyst for positive change in their communities.
Volunteerism, being kind, and working for a cause is Cool. Helping others, builds empathy, promotes teamwork and cooperation and develops leadership skills.
Being a friend and making friends is Cool. Friendship helps children understand the importance of sharing, taking someone else’s feelings into account and listening to each other.
So Cool Brands has pledged a portion of our profits to charitable children’s causes. Our Defined Acts of Coolness will positively impact children’s lives. Our Young Artists Program inspires young up & coming artists to create socially impactful abstract prints that foster creativity.
Redefining Cool® Interactive Video Campaign
Redefining Cool® features So Cool Brand ambassadors who are youth change-makers! These amazing young influencers have founded non-profit organizations and/or run social media campaigns to make the world a better place. Each of the ambassadors make a short video explaining how they’re changing the world for the better and then ask “How are you “Redefining Cool®?”
Redefining Cool® can be helping a family member, volunteering to help a neighbor, or doing a beach cleanup. Every small act of kindness counts.